June 2024

June 28, 2024

PRESS-RELEASE: ICBSS at the MedCat Days 2024

On 25 – 26 June 2024, the ICBSS participated at MedCat Days 2024 “Tackling climate change in times of multiple crises in the Mediterranean. A challenge for the new European political cycle”, organised by the Government of Catalonia and IEMed, in Barcelona, Spain.
June 12, 2024

PRESS-RELEASE: ICBSS DG at the 3SI Conference “The Three Seas Initiative: an original concept of regional cooperation in different approaches”

On 10 June 2024, the ICBSS Director General, Mr. Georgios Mitrakos, participated as speaker at the 3SI Conference “The Three Seas Initiative: an original concept of regional cooperation in different approaches”, organized by the 3SI Research Center of ISP-PAN, under the patronage of President of the Republic of Poland.