Drops of Knowledge – Discovering Black Sea Facts & Figures
a new initiative by ICBSS
The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) is announcing the launch of its new initiative about the wider Black Sea region, "Drops of Knowledge – Discovering Black Sea Facts & Figures".
The Drops of Knowledge will use existing information, statistics and data from multiple sources and visualize them into comprehensive infographics with the aim to become a one-stop shop for social, economic and environmental data for the countries of the Black Sea region.
Overall, the Drops of Knowledge aim, not only to address an existing knowledge gap, but more importantly, to raise awareness about pressing issues and highlight good practices, with a view to mobilising stakeholders to delve deeper into why and how.
DISCLAIMER: The data, findings and conclusions presented in the ‘Drops of Knowledge’ do not necessarily reflect those of ICBSS or its affiliated institutions.