Launch of the Black Sea SRIA Implementation Plan
What is next for the Black Sea research and innovation cooperation?
Thursday 04 May 2023
Hosted by MEP Marian-Jean MARINESCU, SEArica member
Co-organised by the Black Sea CONNECT Project and the European Commission DG RTD, with the support of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) and its Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC)
Despite all the setbacks, scientists, innovators and research stakeholders have continued to develop their shared vision and plans for a healthy, resilient and productive Black Sea. In this context, a working group of experts from countries bordering the Black Sea came together in 2017 with the support of the European Commission, to develop a shared agenda for research and innovation for the Black Sea and provide guidance to national and EU policymakers. The group collaborated with marine experts from top European marine institutes and organizations and produced the Burgas Vision Paper, the key framework document for a shared vision of a productive, healthy, resilient, sustainable, and better-valued Black Sea by 2030. The Ministerial Declaration towards a Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea (2018), endorsed by the Black Sea countries, provides more backing for this approach with the Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) Implementation Plan being its scientific pillar.
Furthermore, the H2020-funded Black Sea CONNECT CSA (2019) project is directed at creating a responsible and effective SRIA Implementation Plan based on the essential framework requirements to translate SRIA outputs into actions in collaboration with national research funders and key stakeholders. To do so, rounds of SRIA consultations and a range of activities were held for the last four years in the Black Sea and internationally, targeting national, regional and international actors, initiatives, projects and policies during the lifetime of the project.
Hosted and chaired by MEP Marian-Jean MARINESCU in the framework of the SEArica Intergroup, the Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) Implementation Plan was launched in the European Parliament on 4 May, 2023.
Participants included high-level representatives of the European Commission, regional organizations and more than 110 stakeholders from policymaking, research, and innovation communities from EU Member States and Black Sea countries.
More information about the event HERE
Download the Black Sea SRIA Implementation Plan HERE