Drops of Knowledge – Discovering Black Sea Facts & Figures
Black Sea Women in Society
8 March 2024
The launch of the new ICBSS’ initiative ‘Drops of Knowledge’ is dedicated to women in the BSEC countries.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March), the infographic “Black Sea Women in the Society” includes data on the freedoms of women and the position they currently hold in four main pillars of society in the Black Sea countries: a) Discrimination in the Family - Household Responsibilities, b) Restricted physical integrity, c) Workplace Rights, and d) Restricted civil liberties.
In 2023, women in the thirteen Black Sea countries still face many challenges due to the multiple dimensions of gender stereotypes.
Compared to the EU and world averages, gender inequalities in the BSEC countries are higher than in the EU but lower than worldwide.
According to OECD data, among the 13 BSEC countries, the Republic of Türkiye has the lowest performance in two important indicators related to the women’s civil liberties: Women’s representation in the Parliament is at a low 17,4%; while “feeling insecure walking at night or in the area they live”, a noticeable 56,1%.
The largest gap is noted in the indicator “Attitudes towards women's work & children” in which Bulgaria rates at 28,1% while Georgia at 78,5% has the highest percentage of population agreeing that “the children suffer when their mother works”.
Source: OECD Development Centre/OECD (2024), "Gender, Institutions and Development (Edition 2023)", OECD International Development Statistics (database), https://doi.org/10.1787/7b0af638-en (accessed on 01 March 2024)