Series: Other Publications
Published by: ICBSS
Release Date: December 2022
Pages: 20
Add on GoodreadsAuthor: Georgia Chantzi (ICBSS)
Contributions: Elpida Besi (ICBSS), Stavros Kalognomos (BBSC CPMR), Ezgi Şahin Yücel (METU IMS), Pinar Uygurer (METU IMS)Introduction
The publication is a deliverable of the project CulTourE4Youth - Supporting youth entrepreneurship in cultural tourism for coastal communities, co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Contract ENI/2020/421-957.
The project built on the potential of the Black Sea countries as attractive tourist destinations that creates job opportunities and necessity for skilled human capital in the sector, and assessed the level of support to the latter by national policies and regional cooperation frameworks.
The present paper constitutes the final report of the project and includes the key results and recommendations for future actions.
The full paper is available here.