Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda Stakeholder Conference 2023
Joining efforts for a sustainable, modern and competitive blue economy in the Black Sea
Bucharest, 22 -23 November 2023
The Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda Stakeholder Conference 2023 is set to take place on 22-23 November in Bucharest, under the auspices of the CMA Romanian coordination.
It sets out to be a pivotal event for all stakeholders interested in the region's sustainable blue economy development and competitiveness. The conference aims to bring together voices from various sectors, backgrounds, and experiences to address crucial challenges and opportunities in the Black Sea basin. From the marine environment to investment, entrepreneurship, and skills, the two-day event will host talks and activities providing a platform for knowledge sharing and collaborative efforts towards unleashing the full potential of the Black Sea sustainable blue economy.
Registration is Now Open via this link: EUSurvey - Survey (europa.eu)
More information available HERE