Report of the Online Questionnaire on supporting youth entrepreneurship in cultural tourism for coastal communities
by Elpida Besi (ICBSS), Georgia Chantzi (ICBSS), Ezgi Şahin Yücel (METU IMS), Pinar Uygurer (METU IMS)
Building on the notion that cultural tourism with maritime dimension is an up-and coming blue growth generator, the Project CulTourE4Youth - Supporting youth entrepreneurship in cultural tourism for coastal communities provides background information and analysis on how youth entrepreneurship is promoted by existing policies and initiatives, and how it can be better supported to address local and regional challenges, such as youth unemployment and brain drain.
As part of the project’s activities, a survey was launched in the form of an online questionnaire which aimed to gather direct input about the priorities, opportunities and challenges from all involved stakeholders in the sectors of culture and tourism.
The questionnaire ran online from 1 December 2021 until 31 January 2022. It reached out to respondents through the official pages and official social media of the project partners International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), the CPMR Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC CPMR) and the METU Institute of Marine Sciences (METU IMS), as well as through the Black Sea Virtual Knowledge Centre (BSVKC).
Read the full Report here.
The “CulTourE4Youth - Support Youth Entrepreneurship in Cultural Tourism for coastal communities” Project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Contract ENI/2020/421-957, coordinated by the BSEC PERMIS.