International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women | Facts from the Black Sea region
25 November 2024
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November), the infographic includes data from the 13 BSEC countries.
According to OECD data, in 2023:
- 17,4 % of women and girls in these countries have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner over their lifetime.
- 5,2% of women and girls have been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months.
The majority of the BSEC countries have established criminal sanctions and civil remedies for sexual harassment in employment, as well as legislation that includes criminal sanctions or provides for protection orders for domestic violence.
Despite the existence of these legal frameworks, they do not provide comprehensive legal protection for women from all forms of violence: honour crimes, intimate partner violence, rape, and sexual harassment.
On a scale from 0 (comprehensive legal framework) to 100 (incomprehensive legal framework), the Black Sea average is 35. Most of the countries score 25, meaning that their laws protect women from the forms of violence mentioned above, but not in a fully comprehensive way, e.g. there are no specific provisions.
Bulgaria and Azerbaijan score 75, as the law protects women from some, but not all, of the forms of violence.
At the same time, women in the BSEC countries have a high level of mistrust in the judicial system (57,8%).
Sources: OECD Development Centre/OECD (2024), "Gender, Institutions and Development (Edition 2023)", OECD International Development Statistics (database), https://doi.org/10.1787/7b0af638-en
World Bank Group, Gender Data Portal. https://genderdata.worldbank.org/en/indicators#id_violence
World Bank: Women, Business and the Law. https://wbl.worldbank.org/
All accessed on 22 November 2024.