Invitation to Webinar on "The Impact of Covid-19 on Education and Science: Challenges and Prospects for Cooperation in the wider Black Sea region"
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a global scale uncertainty to all aspects of everyday life, to every corner and region of the World. This uncertainty impacted education, science and cooperation in these fields, forcing them to adapt and change to the new context. Regional cooperation and exchange of knowledge is crucial for addressing and overcoming global and regional challenges.
There are many questions that remain open and require further discussion, inter alia: How do education institutions adapt to the context the global pandemic? Were universities ready for such a challenge? Can digital transformation be a universal solution in the field of education and science? What are the odds of the digital academic mobility to be viewed as academic mobility in the future? Does science and technology in the times of COVID-19 incite regional and global competition or bring new opportunities for cooperation? Addressing these questions requires involvement of all interested parties in the field of science and education.
Topics for the discussion:
‒ Impact of COVID-19 on general and secondary vocational education institutions.
‒ Transformation of the higher education during the pandemic: temporary or permanent.
‒ Academic and scientific mobility in the times of the COVID-19: digital vs real.
‒ International scientific cooperation during the global pandemic.
Regional stakeholders from the Black Sea region, involved in the field of education and science, experts, teachers, researchers, representatives of the respective Ministries, regional and international organizations, and other interested parties, willing to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the field of education and science in the Black Sea region.
Registrations: Here
Date: December 18, 2020.
Time: 11:00-13:00, Istanbul Time (10am EET)
Format: Webinar (video-conference)
Platform: Zoom.
Working language: English.
The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Anton AFANASYEV, State expert on Science & Technology, Authorized representative for International Relations with the BSEC Member States, Senior Researcher at the Southern Federal University and Ms. Georgia CHANTZI, Research and Policy Development Manager, International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS).
11:00-12:00 Istanbul Time (10am – 11am EET)
Education and Science in the COVID-19 era: Views from the Region
- Ms. Evgeniya PAVLOVA, Head of Unit, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
- Dr. Taner ALBAYRAK, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Maritime Business Management, Piri Reis University.
- Dr. Gerasimos RODOTHEATOS, Teaching Scholar on Public International Law, Panteion Uni. of Athens, Teaching Staff & Researcher, SmartAL Project.
- Prof. Sibel SUZEN, Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ankara University.
12:00-12:40 Istanbul Time (11am – 11:40am EET)
Open Round-Table Discussion
The webinar is co-organized by the Southern Federal University (SFedU) and the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS).