13th International Black Sea Symposium
"The Black Sea in crises: challenges and opportunities in an unstable environment"
Athens, 2 November 2023
The 13th International Black Sea Symposium builds on the success and positive impact of its previous editions and invites regional and international stakeholders with an interest in the Black Sea area, to exchange on the effects of economic, environmental and geopolitical crises in the Black Sea region. It will bring together regional and international stakeholders to exchange on regional challenges and discuss rising opportunities in a continuously unstable environment, in relation to economic, geopolitical and environmental perspectives.
The 13th International Black Sea Symposium on “The Black Sea in crises: challenges and opportunities in an unstable environment” will be held on 2 November 2023, in Athens, Greece.
The event’s working language will be English.
The Concept note is available HERE
More information will be announced in due time.
Stay tuned!