Official Kick-off meeting for the new project TOURAL
"New tourism models for the sustainable development of rural & remote areas"
Wednesday 24 January 2024 | Online
The EU-funded TOURAL Project (Multidimensional model of tourism verticals driving the sustainable balanced growth among rural & remote grids and urban clusters of rural regions, fostering macro-regional cooperation) held its official kick-off meeting online, on Wednesday 24 January 2024.
The TOURAL Project focuses on cultural & creative tourism as drivers for sustainable development, paying at the same time a premium to the EU Tourism Transition Pathway requirements, within the context of smart multi-destination and multi-dimensional tourism offerings empowered by macro-regional tourism cooperation. TOURAL proposes a model to support the touristic development of the participating rural regions, balancing the growth of their urban clusters with the untapped growth potential of their remote and rural cells. The scope of foreseen interventions includes three regions from the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region (Italy, Croatia, Greece), and three regions from the Black Sea Basin (Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine). The TOURAL target is multiple tourism niche sectors, namely underwater, cultural & nature heritage tourism, cultural & creative tourism, cultural science tourism, and silver tourism.
The project will run for 36 months, and consists of 20 partners coming from Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Croatia, Albania, France, Türkiye and Ukraine, under the coordination of CERTH Hellas (Greece).
The ICBSS leads WP2 on CCT Analysis & Policy Pathways aiming at stakeholders' engagement and co-creation of policies and business models.
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TOURAL Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No 101132489.