The Black Sea React! Project aims to contribute to the regional dialogue on mitigating and effectively tackling marine pollution and marine litter, while at the same time seeking innovative solutions to salient problems.
The Project builds on the results of the High-level International Conference on “Inter-basin Cooperation on Marine Litter: A focus on the Danube River and the Black Sea” (Sofia, 4 April 2019), organised by the BSEC PERMIS and the ICBSS, with the support of the European Commission, and co-funded by the CEI Initiative. The conference debates and proceedings acknowledged that marine litter is a cross-border problem, which makes its management difficult and highly dependent on good regional (and international) collaboration between the littoral countries, as well as awareness raising.
The Project activities will pilot an innovative circular economy solution to marine (plastic) litter by involving local fishermen, a coastal municipality and a business association from the Black Sea region. In parallel, it will develop a strong and positive narrative on marine litter prevention targeting specifically young people. Provided the pilot is successful, the proposed activity will ultimately strive to promote a follow-up joint action involving various coastal municipalities from BSEC Member States to tackle marine litter.
The target group involves municipalities from the Black Sea littoral countries, fishing communities from Sariyer Municipality of Istanbul (Turkey) and young people and primary school students from all littoral countries.
It will run for 24 months, under the coordination of the Permanent International Secretariat of BSEC (BSEC PERMIS) in cooperation with the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), the GAMA Recycle A.S. and the Municipality of Sariyer.
ICBSS is responsible for the Regional Essay Competition for the Youth, the final regional event and the project’s communication.
Project Duration
January 2021 – December 2022
- BSEC Permanent International Secretariat (BSEC PERMIS)
- International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS)
- GAMA Recycle A.S.
- Municipality of Sariyer
Associated Partner
- USA Consulate in Istanbul
Activities and Deliverables
- Regional Essay Competition for the Youth (Call, Pre-screening Results, Final Results)
- Small-scale collection event of old fishing nets and marine litter
- Αwareness raising campaign for school students
- Saving our Sea: New ways to reduce Marine Pollution in the Black Sea (August 2022) - A collective edition of students’ essays, by BSEC PERMIS and ICBSS for BLACK SEA React!
The Project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Contract ENI/2020/421-957, coordinated by the BSEC PERMIS.