Series: Xenophon Paper Series
Published by: ICBSS
Release Date: 2011-2012
Pages: 54
Authors: Zefi Dimadama, Gulshan Pashayeva, Gulmira Rzayeva, Charalambos Pippos, Theodoros G.R. Tsakiris, Ramiz Rahmanov, Dimitris Papastefanakis, Christos Nychtis
Preface by: Zefi Dimadama and Gulshan Pashayeva
This latest Xenophon Paper Special Edition emanates from one of International Centre for Black Sea Studies’ (ICBSS) most important bilateral synergies, which has underlined the importance of the Center’s role as a mutually advantageous framework for the synthesis of ideas, the composition of policy proposals and the facilitation of scientific exchanges at the highest level. The paper at hand is the scientific offspring of a joint programme developed by the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) and the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan (SAM) that underlined the significance of this joint Hellenic-Azeri Green Energy Forum.
The edition is available here.