Series: Xenophon Paper Series
Published by: ICBSS
Release Date: April 2016
Pages: 67
Authors: Anthi Charalampous, Alexis Chatzimpiros, Panos Coroyannakis, Zefi Dimadama, Bratislav Đorđević, Ilias Eftymiopoulos, Liana Gouta, Bengt Olof Grahn, Vitalii Gryga, Lise Guennal, Terry Hegarty, Søren Hermansen, T. Ionescu, Bertil Klintbom, Kostas Komninos, Vasileios Kyriazis, Ioanna Lagoumidou, Elvira Laneborg, Michael Larsen, Mirjana Lenhardt, Jimmy Margo, Najiba Mustafayeva, Kai Niklasson, Kaidi Nõmmerga, Filipe Oliveira, Anatoli Pataridou, Agne Petersoo, Christian Pleijel, Penélope Ramírez, C. Sandu, R. Suciu, K. Tošić, Lili Vasileva, Savvas Vlachos, Alkisti Florou
Preface by: Zefi Dimadama
Managing Editor: Athina Korovesi
The ICBSS Edition "Xenophon Paper no. 15" is the outcome of the 8th International Black Sea Symposium on “Science, Technology & Innovation in the Black Sea: Moving Forward”, that was held in Athens, Greece, from 19 to 20 November 2015, under the framework of the Black Sea Horizon Project.
In its eighth year, the International Black Sea Symposium built on the success and positive impact of its previous seven editions to bring together the next generation of stakeholders with an interest in the Black Sea area, focusing on STI Cooperation, a key parameter for sustainable development.
The 8th IBSS dedicated a special session to women and their contribution to sciences and innovation. We were pleased to welcome the participation of inspiring women scientists from variable sectors.
Within this framework, through the 8th IBSS, the ICBSS aimed to offer a platform for dialogue among stakeholders in order to stimulate enhanced regional STI cooperation for mutually beneficial joint actions.
The edition is available here.