Series: Xenophon Paper Series
Published by: ICBSS
Release Date: October 2018
Authors: Matteo Bocci, Frédérick Herpers, Thanos Smanis, Christophe Le Visage Thodoros E. Kampouris, Andrew Kennedy, Nataliia Korzhunova, Emmanouil Nikolaidis, Natalia Zubchenko
Preface by: Georgios Mitrakos
Managing Editor: Georgia Chantzi
Blue economy has always been high in the agenda for policy stakeholders and researchers over the years, however through scarce and uncoordinated actions. Therefore, it is optimistic that over the past years, there are coordinated efforts from all parties involved, to implement a result-oriented strategy with targeted policies related to the sustainable development of the marine and maritime sectors.
The concept of Blue Growth is evaluated positively by the Black Sea countries, as it addresses a significant potential of the wider region that remains untapped. Besides, the inter-connectedness of the seas and of the maritime activities demands for enhanced cooperation and coordination of actions among stakeholders for the optimum results.
The edition is available here.