Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship in Cultural Tourism for coastal communities
The CulTourE4Youth Project aims to develop a regional paradigm as capacity building initiator in order to:
- Increase the knowledge and entrepreneurial culture of young people, to be able to meet market demands and identify business opportunities;
- Promote sustainable coastal tourism practices to develop new products, services and processes for sustainable cultural tourism;
- Motivate employers, educational institutions, policy makers and civil society, and facilitate synergies among them, to support youth entrepreneurship with concrete actions.
Building on the notion that cultural tourism with maritime dimension is an up-and-coming blue growth generator, the project will provide background information and analysis on how youth entrepreneurship is promoted by existing policies and initiatives, and how can it be better supported to address local and regional challenges, such as youth unemployment and brain drain.
The activity will engage with young people (18-30y.o.), government agencies, business operators and training institutions in coastal communities in the geographical area of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, by means of analysis and consultation activities. The project will use the Mersin region (Turkey) as a case study to pursue the above-mentioned objectives and will consolidate the results in a dedicated workshop in Batumi (Georgia).
It will run for 24 months, under the coordination of the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) in cooperation with the Balkans and Black Sea Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR) and the METU Institute of Marine Sciences / ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü (METU-IMS / ODTÜ-DBE).
Project Duration
January 2021 – December 2022
- ICBSS - International Centre for Black Sea Studies
- CPMR - Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe
- METU - Middle East Technical University
Activities and Deliverables
- Working document (Supporting youth entrepreneurship in cultural tourism for coastal communities in the Black Sea Region)
National Workshop for young entrepreneurs, Mersin, Turkey (30 November 2021)
- Report of Questionnaire (March 2022)
Youth Entrepreneurship in Cultural Tourism in the Black Sea: policies, challenges and opportunities - Final Report (December 2022)
The Project is co-funded by the European Commission under Grant Contract ENI/2020/421-957, coordinated by the BSEC PERMIS.