5th BSEC Month of Culture
1-30 November 2021
Literature - Bulgaria
What do you think about optimism? What does it mean to ‘’see the best in others’’? This is the moral lesson of the short story for children, ‘’The Legend of the Black Sea’’ by Sergey Nikolov (2013). It is a story about an old man who lives quietly with his dog Boley and his black cat Serzhina, weaving nets on the shore of a beautiful sea (the Black Sea). However, the three friends start having difficulties. Is faith in goodness able to alter this situation?
You can read the whole story, here: https://www.shortkidstories.com/story/legend-black-sea/
Also, you can read about the author, here: https://www.shortkidstories.com/authors/sergey-nikolov/
Photos taken from: https://www.shortkidstories.com/story/legend-black-sea/, https://www.shortkidstories.com/authors/sergey-nikolov/ and https://www.storyberries.com/the-legend-of-the-black-sea/
*Picture 1: Illustration by Sergey Nikolov
*Picture 2: Illustration by Andrei Sikorskii
*Picture 3: Author Sergey Nikolov
#ICBSS #MoC2021 #CultureBSEC #Bulgaria #Literature