5th BSEC Month of Culture
1-30 November 2021
Museum - Romania
The Cotroceni National Museum (Bucharest, Romania) was established on December 27th 1991 and operates in the old wing of the Cotroceni Palace, a monument combining the late 19th century Romanian architecture with the medieval architecture of Serban Cantacuzino. Furthermore, Cotroceni is the only Romanian residence which has been constantly inhabited since the late 17th century until now. During its 30 years of existence, the museum has been carried out a wide variety of scientific and exhibition projects concerning topics such as History, Art History (from medieval to contemporary) and Restoration/ Conservation work.
Source: http://www.muzeulcotroceni.ro/index_eng.html
You can also enjoy a virtual tour of the museum opening the following links:
Photos taken from: http://www.muzeulcotroceni.ro/istoric/3_muzeul_national_cotroceni/muzeul_national_cotroceni_eng.html
#ICBSS #MoC2021 #CultureBSEC #Romania #Museum