August 6, 2021

BSEC Member States Battling Wildfires

ICBSS's host country, the Hellenic Republic, is fighting massive wildfires. One of the multiple fire fronts is in the northern suburbs of our Centre's host city, Athens, in Attica Prefecture. Apart from the Hellenic Republic, three BSEC Member States, the Republic of Albania, the Russian Federation, as well as the Republic of Turkey, are battling wildfires.
July 20, 2021

Presentation of Black Sea Cruise project at ‘Dobrogea Albastra’ (Romanian tv) by ICBSS

On 4th July 2021, the ICBSS Research and Policy Development Manager and Project Leader of Black Sea Cruise Project, Ms. Georgia Chantzi, presented along with the project's Scientific Coordinator, Mr. Matteo Bocci, the project's activities at Blue Dobrogea (Dobrogea Albastră), Romanian television.
July 16, 2021

ICBSS Article at the Anna Lindh Foundation Special Edition “Balkan Beats n.35 – Intercultural Dialogue”

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), is glad to announce its participation as contributor to the Special Edition "Balkan Beats no. 35 – Intercultural Dialogue", that is issued by the Anna Lindh Foundation, with the article "Young Mediterranean Voices: an inspiration for the Black Sea region" by Athina Korovesi.
July 15, 2021

ICBSS leads WP8 of the H2020 Funded BRIDGE-BS project, officially kicked-off on 12-13 July 2021

On the 12-13th of July 2021, the Horizon 2020-funded BRIDGE-BS project (Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems) was officially kicked-off. During the 2nd day of the BRIDGE-BS project project Kick-off Meeting, at the session "Presentation of the Work packages", the ICBSS presented the WP8 Science-based policy making for Blue Growth, as being its leader.
July 14, 2021

Official start of the Georgian Chairmanship-in-Office of BSEC (July-December 2021) – BSEC Coordination Meeting (12/7/21)

The Georgian Chairmanship-in-Office got officially underway during the “Coordination Meeting of the BSEC Chairmanship-in-Office, the BSEC Committee of Senior Officials, BSEC Related Bodies and the BSEC PERMIS” held online on 12 July 2021.
July 1, 2021

The ICBSS Director General, Mr. Mitrakos, at the BSEC CSO & CMFA Meetings (28-30 June 2021)

Within the framework of the Albanian Chairmanship-in-Office of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), BSEC PERMIS organised the Meeting of the BSEC Committee of the Senior Officials (CSO) and the 43th Meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (CMFA) of the BSEC Member States, that were held online during the period 28 and 30 June 2021. The ICBSS was represented at the Meetings by the ICBSS Director General, Mr. Georgios Mitrakos.
July 1, 2021

Invitation to H2020 Funded BRIDGE-BS Kick-off – Plenary Opening (12 July 2021)

The ICBSS invites you to the Plenary Opening of the Kick-off Meeting for the Horizon 2020-funded BRIDGE-BS (Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems) Research and Innovation Action on 12 July 2021 at 13:00 CEST. The new ICBSS project involves 33 partners from the Black Sea countries, EU MS and regional organizations, coordinated by METU. ICBSS is the Lead Partner of WP8: Science-based policy making for Blue Growth.
May 19, 2021

Call for Applications: Regional Essay Competition for the Youth (Black Sea React project)

The Regional Essay Competition for the Youth aims to raise awareness and motivate young people in the BSEC Member States to take action against the growing marine pollution challenge in the Black Sea. Apart from fostering a culture of eco-friendly behaviour and environmental consciousness in younger age groups, the initiative aspires to motivate the wider society to learn from its youngsters in adopting sustainable practices for reducing marine litter and marine pollution.