6th BSEC Month of Culture
1-30 November 2022
Customs and Traditions-Republic of North Macedonia
In the Republic of North Macedonia, the welcome of spring is a special occasion.
The Spring Celebration ‘’Hidrellez’’ takes place annually on 6 May, which is recognized as Spring Day, or the awakening of nature. Since 2017, this tradition is inscribed on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
‘’Hidrellez’’ is a compound noun derived from ‘’Hidir’’ and ‘’Ilyas’’, considered to be the protectors of earth and water as well as the helpers of individuals, families and communities in need of them. In this context, various ceremonies and rituals connected with nature are performed all over the country, guaranteeing the wellbeing, fertility and prosperity of the family and community, and protecting livestock and crops for the upcoming year.
The rituals have deep-rooted cultural meanings providing the participants - families, children, youth, adults, dancers and singers - with an opportunity to strengthen relations. The Spring Celebration is recognized as a key part of the cultural identity of the local communities, while knowledge and skills are transmitted within the family and between community members through oral communication, observation, participation and performances.
Bonus Trivia!
Hidrellez is also celebrated in Türkiye.
If you would like to learn more, you can watch the following video.
Source/Photographs taken from: https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/spring-celebration-hdrellez-01284
Photographs: © Združenie Festival Proletni Veselbi 2010
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