April 27, 2021

PRESS RELEASE: 2nd SEArica online Conference on the Black Sea, co-organised by ICBSS and BBSC CPMR (22 April 2021)

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) co-organised together with the Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC) of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) which holds the secretariat of the Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas (SEArica) Intergroup, the online Conference entitled “Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Danube and the Black Sea region: views for building forward better”, on Thursday 22 April 2021.
April 26, 2021

EXTERNAL EVENT: Panel Discussion on “Actions rather than words. Blue Economy in the Black Sea region” (3 June 2021)

An online panel discussion will take place on Tuesday 3 June, at 15.00 hours Istanbul time (+3GMT), in order to better publicize and present the BBSEA project, but also to exchange views on the overalladvancement of Blue Economy in the Black Sea region, on the implementation of the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea (CMA) and on the necessity for more regional infrastructure investments in sectors envisaged by the various CMA goals, like marine pollution, energy, tourism and culture.
April 26, 2021

Job Opportunity – Call for Applications

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) is currently looking to recruit a Junior Project Manager with experience in maritime affairs and blue economy, to support the implementation of ICBSS’ new projects co-funded under ENI/2020/421-957 in the context of the Action “Support to the Implementation of the Eastern Partnership Multilateral Dimension, Northern Dimension and the Black Sea Synergy - BSEC PERMIS”.
April 13, 2021

BLACK SEA CRUISE – Sustainable Small-scale Cruising/Yachting

The BLACK SEA CRUISE Project aims to analyse the state of play and environmental and socio-economic potential for novel small-scale cruising/yachting models, in order to support, through a final set of recommendations, the sustainable development of the activity in the Black Sea region.
April 13, 2021

Webinar on Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Danube and the Black Sea region (22 April 2021)

Fishing and aquaculture are among the hardest hit sectors since the COVID-19 outbreak, as demand for fisheries and seafood has been experiencing a dramatic downturn, due to preventative measures against the pandemic. The online conference will address the challenges of the fisheries sector related to the pandemic, such as disruptions in supply chains for fish and aquatic foods caused by disturbances of transportation, trade, and labour, and will discuss opportunities and next steps for the post-COVID-19 era.