December 18, 2020

PRESS RELEASE: ICBSS – SFedU Webinar on Covid-19 Impact on Science & Education (18 December 2020)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a global scale uncertainty to all aspects of everyday life, to every corner and region of the World. This uncertainty impacted education, science and cooperation in these fields, forcing them to adapt and change to the new context. Regional cooperation and exchange of knowledge is crucial for addressing and overcoming global and regional challenges.
December 3, 2020

PRESS RELEASE: SEArica Conference on the Black Sea, co-organised by ICBSS and CPMR BBSC (3 December 2020)

On 3 December, SEArica will be organising its first Black Sea-focused event, kindly hosted by MEP Carmen Avram, SEArica Vice Chair in charge of the Danube and the Black Sea, organised by the Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC) of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) and the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS).
November 19, 2020


The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), the Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC) of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), and the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (HIT CERTH), co-organised a Webinar on “Transport in the Balkans and the Black Sea region”, on Thursday 19 November 2020.
November 19, 2020

SEArica Conference on the Black Sea, co-organised by ICBSS and CPMR BBSC (3 December 2020)

On 3 December, SEArica will be organising its first Black Sea-focused event, kindly hosted by MEP Carmen Avram, SEArica Vice Chair in charge of the Danube and the Black Sea, organised by the Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC) of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) and the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS).
November 19, 2020

Webinar on Covid-19 Impact on Science & Education, co-organised by ICBSS & SFedU (18 December 2020)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a global scale uncertainty to all aspects of everyday life, to every corner and region of the World. This uncertainty impacted education, science and cooperation in these fields, forcing them to adapt and change to the new context. Regional cooperation and exchange of knowledge is crucial for addressing and overcoming global and regional challenges.
November 19, 2020

EXTERNAL EVENT: Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea 2020 Regional Stakeholders’ Conference (10 December 2020)

On behalf of the Black Sea Assistance Mechanism (BSAM) funded by the EU, we are pleased to announce the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea 2020 Regional Stakeholders' Conference to be held online, on Thursday 10th December 2020 (10:00–13:15 EET).
November 9, 2020

Invitation to ICBSS-CPMR BBSC-HIT CERTH Webinar (19 November 2020)

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), the CPMR Balkan and Black Sea Commission (CPMR BBSC) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (HIT CERTH) co-organise the a Webinar on “Transport in the Balkans and the Black Sea region”, on Thursday 19 November 2020 (10:00-12:00 CET).