October 1, 2021

PRESS RELEASE: Summer School on ‘Local government in motion – Local innovation in changing contexts’

The Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) and the National and the Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), in collaboration with the European Urban Research Association (EURA) and the Standing Group on Local Government and Politics of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), successfully organized the PhD Training Summer School on ‘Local government in motion – Local innovation in changing contexts’, an initiative of Professor Dr. Hubert Heinelt (Darmstadt University of Technology), member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS). The ICBSS is the media sponsor of the event.
September 30, 2021

REGISTRATION OPEN: SEArica webinar on “Marine Litter in the Danube & the Black Sea region”, by ICBSS & BBSC CPMR (4 November 2021)

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) co-organise together with the Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC) of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), which holds the secretariat of the Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas (SEArica) Intergroup, the online Conference entitled “Marine Litter in the Danube & the Black Sea region”, on Thursday 4 November 2021.
September 22, 2021

Save the Date: Regional Stakeholders Webinar on Cultural Tourism & Digital Transformation in the BSEC region & beyond (10 November 2021)

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia organise the Regional Stakeholders Webinar on “Cultural Tourism and Digital Transformation in the BSEC Region and Beyond: Lessons learned in the context of Covid-19 Pandemic”, on Wednesday 10 November 2021.
September 13, 2021

Save the Date: SEArica webinar on “Marine Litter in the Danube & the Black Sea region”, by ICBSS & BBSC CPMR (4 November 2021)

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) co-organise together with the Balkan and Black Sea Commission (BBSC) of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), which holds the secretariat of the Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas (SEArica) Intergroup, the online Conference entitled “Marine Litter in the Danube & the Black Sea region”, on Thursday 4 November 2021.
September 12, 2021

Participation of ICBSS at the 3rd National Meeting of the ALF Greek Network (Rhodes-Greece, 10-12 September 2021)

The 3rd National Meeting of the Anna Lindh Foundation Greek Network was held on the island of Rhodes, Greece, on September 10-12, 2021, with the participation of the ICBSS, Focal Point for Southern and Western Greece. Ms. Athina Korovesi, ICBSS Communications and Public Relations Manager and Head of the Focal Point for Southern and Western Greece, attended the sessons of the 3rd National Meeting of the ALF Greek Network, and exchanged views with the attending representatives of the member-organizations, both from the Region of Southern and Western Greece, as well as from the Regions of  North and East.
September 12, 2021

Participation of ICBSS at the 3rd National Meeting of the ALF Greek Network (Rhodes-Greece, 10-12 September 2021)

The 3rd National Meeting of the Anna Lindh Foundation Greek Network was held on the island of Rhodes, Greece, on September 10-12, 2021, with the participation of the ICBSS, Focal Point for Southern and Western Greece. Ms. Athina Korovesi, ICBSS Communications and Public Relations Manager and Head of the Focal Point for Southern and Western Greece, attended the sessons of the 3rd National Meeting of the ALF Greek Network, and exchanged views with the attending representatives of the member-organizations, both from the Region of Southern and Western Greece, as well as from the Regions of  North and East.