
March 3, 2022

CulTourE4Youth project: Report of Questionnaire (March 2022)

As part of the project’s activities, a survey was launched in the form of an online questionnaire which aimed to gather direct input about the priorities, opportunities and challenges from all involved stakeholders in the sectors of culture and tourism. The questionnaire ran online from 1 December 2021 until 31 January 2022.
February 17, 2022

Event Postponement Announcement: Final Conference of the Black Sea React! Black Sea Cruise & CulTourE4Youth projects

In view of the latest developments in the Black Sea region, and following the request of the Donor (European Commission), the Final Conference on "Strengthening the project implementation capacity, dialogue and cooperation in the Black Sea Region", in the framework of the Black Sea React!, Black Sea Cruise and CulTourE4Youth projects, scheduled for 15 March 2022, in a hybrid way, in Istanbul-Turkey, has been postponed.
January 25, 2022

Official start of the Moldovan BSEC Chairmanship-in-Office (January-June 2022) – BSEC Coordination Meeting & Priorities (25/1/22)

The Moldovan Chairmanship held the first official online meeting of its term in office with the "Coordination Meeting of the Moldovan BSEC Chairmanship-in-Office with the BSEC Committee of Senior Officials, the BSEC Related Bodies and the BSEC PERMIS” on 25 January 2022.
January 12, 2022

NEW ICBSS publication: “Exploiting Tourism 4.0 potentials for the Black Sea” (January 2022)

The ICBSS released a new publication! Authors: Matteo Bocci, Thanos Smanis (CLIMAZUL), Co-authors: Hrvoje Ratkajec, Samo Erzen, Urska Starc-Peceny, Tomi Ilijas (Arctur), Paul Goriup (Agricola NGO), Mamuka Berdzenishvili (Batumi Tourism Institute), Andrei Schvab (Ovidius University). The publication is part of the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea (T4BS) Project, co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
December 17, 2021

The ICBSS Director General, Mr. Mitrakos, at the BSEC CSO & CMFA Meetings (16-17 December 2021)

Within the framework of the Georgian Chairmanship-in-Office of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), BSEC PERMIS organised the Meeting of the BSEC Committee of the Senior Officials (CSO) and the 44th Meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (CMFA) of the BSEC Member States, that were held online during the period 16 and 17 December 2021. The ICBSS was represented at the Meetings by the ICBSS Director General, Mr. Georgios Mitrakos.
November 26, 2021

Questionnaire: Project CulTourE4Youth-Supporting youth entrepreneurship in cultural tourism for coastal communities

Fill in the Questionnaire for the "Project CulTourE4Youth - Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship in cultural tourism for coastal communities" and help us to gather direct input about the priorities, opportunities and challenges from all involved stakeholders in the sectors of culture and tourism.